Planning the Perfect Work Christmas Party

When it comes to organising the perfect Christmas party, remember you are never going to please everyone! Whether you have a huge team or a smaller operation, the Christmas party is the one night of the year that everyone can get together to celebrate all of the hard work that they have done over the past year and let their hair down. But when it comes to organising the Christmas party, people will all have their own ideas about what constitutes a good night, and it will rarely be possible to please them all – but here are a few ideas and things to help you make the best of the work Christmas do.

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Ask people for their input before you arrange anything – To get a rough idea of what people are hoping for, ask them! Before you start to consider any options, ask the team what sort of an event they want. Some people will have strong opinions on what they do and also what they don’t want, so try to make a note of all of these things. It is important at this point to also remember the lifestyles and ages of the people in your team. For example, a boozy pub crawl around the town until the early hours will be great for a fairly young team with no commitments, but for older people or people who have families and childcare commitments it may be a different matter!

Think outside of the box – A big party organised by a local hotel, or a night on the town are often the usual run of the mill Christmas party options, but how about doing something a little different? An experience day (maybe something like tank driving, or clay pigeon shooting), a sporting activity (such as go-karting) or an activity (like an escape room) is something a little different and alternative to a night of heavy drinking. If you want a bit more of a booze filled night, or as an addition to an activity, you could even set up your own private bar at your office if you have the room – you will need to ensure you get a license for alcohol and some essential supplies such as post mix juices from and then you will be good to go!

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Don’t stress – It is often too easy to get caught up in the stress of planning a big party and trying to make sure it is perfect for everyone, which is difficult if not impossible – the main thing to remember is to relax, make the best of it and don’t worry – if you are happy about it, the chances are your festive vibes will rub off on everyone else!

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