How is spiral ductwork made?

Spiral ductwork is most commonly used in air conditioning systems, where the levels of pollution and air pressure are lower; however, it can still withstand a reasonable amount of pressure. How is it made and what types are available on the market today?

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How is it made?

There are a variety of ways in which spiral duct is made. This is determined by the purpose for which it will be used, with factors to consider including the diameter of the duct and what it is to be used for. Most spiral ductwork is made from the same material, which is a galvanised steel.

Whatever its purpose or diameter, there is one common factor: the sides need to be locked together. There are various lock methods, with the most common including the double seam, the Reeves snap and the standard snap.

Double seam

One of the more common techniques, the double seam can be used for a range of materials, which is one of the reasons it is so popular. The process involves hooking the two ends together and applying pressure, often with a mallet, to close them together.

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Standard snap

The standard snap involves creating two distinctly different ends on the materials to be joined, one male and one female. While double seamed ducting needs to be constructed on site before shipping, the beauty of standard snap is that it can be stored and shipped unassembled and put together on site. This cuts down on both storage space and shipping costs.

Reeves snap

Similar to the standard snap in that it has interlocking male and female ends, the distinct difference with the Reeves snap is that it has a salvage end. This overhanging piece of material makes the duct joints stronger and less liable to damage during shipping.

If you are looking for spiral ducting for your business, companies such as can help.

If your business is moving dangerous substances through your ductwork, you should ensure that your supplier has a full understanding of DSEAR regulations. These regulations were introduced in 2002. The Health and Safety Executive outlines your responsibilities as an employer.

The final piece of the ductwork puzzle is the parts that are manufactured specifically to ensure the lengths are joined together correctly. These include pressure bends, male to female couplings, and reducers.

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