Beauty tips for autumn:

Beauty tips for autumn: take care of your skin and hair

After the end of summer, we tend to forget the care that both the skin and the hair need. Write down these beauty tips for autumn to keep both healthy and revitalized.

The change of season affects everything. The days become shorter, the temperatures begin to fall and the rains are more than a day long. In addition to time, our body experiences different transformations. In summer, we are more aware of skin dryness and sun exposure. The same applies to hair, which we try to keep hydrated after having a bath on the beach or in the pool.

However, in autumn we lower our guard and forget about the care that skin and hair needs. The hot months can leave havoc, such as sun spots and hair breakage. For this reason, it is important to continue with a series of routines to keep the skin and hair healthy and hydrated. One of the fundamental rules is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water since good nutrition affects our entire body.

Another fundamental premise is the removal of moisture, which dries out both the skin and the hair. Nor should we forget the hydration of the whole body, since we tend to worry only about the face. Best of all, it is not complicated to get healthy skin and hair. Simply apply a series of products and follow a routine based on specific care and proper nutrition. If you are concerned about the health of your skin and hair, write down these recommendations to begin now to restore it.

Beauty tips for autumn

SKIN CAREBeauty tips for autumn:

The sun damages the skin all year round. It is true that it has more effect in summer since we are more exposed and temperatures increase. However, in autumn you should not lower your guard. Therefore, it is advisable to continue using sunscreens all year round. When do you have to apply it to the skin? Whenever outdoor activities are carried out, at which time the sun can dry out the body and even cause spots. This is best beauty tips for autumn.

The vitamins and antioxidants also are part of our essential care for the skin in the fall. Both can be applied through ampoules or with a Mediterranean diet, based on fruits and vegetables. Nor should we forget the vegetables, the sin, white meats, and olive oil. To close a good diet, it is essential to drink at least two liters of water a day to keep the skin hydrated.

Skin care includes a series of products that must be used daily. Right at the beginning of autumn, we can use a gentle exfoliant to remove impurities and dead cells. The face masks will also be part of our routine hygiene. It is best to use them once a week and can be bought or made with natural products, such as yogurt or honey. Finally, you have to moisturize your lips with petroleum jelly, as they have to dry out and can get hot.

HAIR CAREBeauty tips for autumn:

Like the skin, hair needs to be taken care of after the summer. What’s more, swimming in the pool, visits to the beach and high temperatures leave the hair quite damaged. For this reason, it is normal that the hair tends to break and be drier than at other times of the year. To recover our hair, the ideal is to opt for a haircut. Autumn is one of the best times to try a makeover.

Once we have cut for health, it is convenient to follow a moisturizing and revitalizing routine for our hair. This is achieved with masks and conditioners, which must be adapted to the needs of our hair. In this way, we will get the hair to stay strong and avoid falling. It is also important not to abuse the use of irons and hair dryers. In the case that we have to use them to achieve the desired look, heat protectors must be applied throughout the mane. It is one of the best beauty tips for autumn.

The keratin also is part of our hair care for fall. Thanks to this natural hair protein, we will be able to strengthen our hair and achieve total repair after the end of summer. To maintain the shine of the mane, it is convenient to use specific products or to elaborate homemade remedies with lemon, honey, egg or beer.

SET GOALSBeauty tips for autumn:

There are other routines that can help us not only to make our skin and hair strong and healthy. The end of summer can cause the well-known post-holiday syndrome, a set of symptoms ranging from anxiety to tiredness. Do not sleep our sleep, take a stressful routine or not feed properly can cause hair loss and we get spots and pimples on the skin. This one is one of the best beauty tips for autumn.

For this reason, it is important to mark several purposes. In this way, our mind will be aware of other tasks that do not work: relax, dedicate time to yourself, read a book, make plans for your city, play sports and eat a healthy diet. If you meet these goals, you will enjoy healthy skin and hair recovered after the damage of summer. Those are the beauty tips for autumn you can try.

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